Friday, June 7, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,541 – (Friday) – sinking feelings

Today had a lot going on at the office. Like, a LOT a lot. Things were extra busy and the whole team was cranking in high gear. Emails and Teams Chat messages flew back and forth as details were worked out.

Plumbers came to fix the sink.
To add to it all, repairmen were in the office to work on the clogged kitchenette sink. There was banging, clanging, and even drilling, which made it hard to focus on the work that needed to be done. There was loud talk over the banging and clanging about snake length (35? 75? I don’t know) not being long enough. Fingers in my ears blocked some of the sound, but it’s a little hard to type like that.

The sink work continued into the early afternoon, with a blissful short break when the plumbers went to get something or go downstairs or whatever. The fun part is, they will be back next week, and need to move furniture and cut a hole in a wall to access pipes. The sink now has signs to not to use it and a step stool set across the top of it to make sure that one of us don’t empty coffee or water into it out of habit.

The Farmer’s Market opened today not far from the office. The hours were posted as 2:00 – 6:00, and a colleague and I went over at 2:10. A couple vendors were still setting up, but tents with cookies and donuts, hot sauce, ice cream, mead, and produce were ready to conduct business. A boba tea truck sat at the curb.

Not mead.
The mead was tempting, with several choices in both fermented and fizzy versions. The vendor offered a sample but it was the middle of a workday afternoon and I declined. 

Sitting at home, hours later, there was a sinking feeling over the decision to not buy some mead. A Luigi’s Italian Ice was fetched from the freezer. Tasty, but not mead. 

Sometimes I just never learn to buy the thing or do the thing or the whatever. I found the vendor (Blisspoint Meadery in Bedford) on social media (dang, I love the Internet), so I can catch up with them at another market. Of course, that doesn't help me tonight. 

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