Wednesday, February 28, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,443 – (Wednesday) – gray with pizza

The temperature was in the 50s again today, for the third, maybe the fourth day. And I was freezing for the fourth day that I’ve recently been paying attention to it. My favorite place lately is in bed, under the optimal combination of four bed coverings over the top sheet – a puff, then a quilt, then the duvet cover that is too annoying to get the puff or the quilt into, topped by a sherpa-backed blanket. It’s amazing.

Gray day, gray day.
The skies were cloudy and gray. The streets were wet with rain, and the driveway had the rainy day massive puddle. While drinking the daily pre-work coffee, I tried to determine if the sounds I was hearing were rain hitting the house, or the heating system which is either getting louder or my hearing is becoming more acute from listening for kitty cat noises.

 Downtown at the parking garage, the basement level was closed again while water was being pumped out. I ended up on the fourth level of the water park, where it rained freely from the fifth level in several areas. Some things don't change.

Fourth level water park.
Work featured a team meeting with pizza, one of my favorite food groups (another thing that doesn't seem to change). A colleague spoke to us about the Bank’s community relations and philanthropy function, which was really interesting.

The lunch meeting started a solid hour after I usually eat lunch, and I was hungry enough to eat off my own arm by the time it was pizza time. So of course, I overate. A couple hours later, a nap would have been great. For the record, when I rule the world, there will be naps for all adults who want them. They will be built into all work schedules.

I was home for an hour before I found Kiki. I checked all the recent usual spots – on the stairs, behind the living room chair, behind the couch – and the less frequented – in the hidey house bed, in the carrier. She changed up her relaxation spot, and was finally spotted tucked away behind the far end of the couch, hidden by the drapes. Two hours later, she was still there. It seems she has found her replacement for the box spring. For today, anyway.

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