Friday, January 22, 2021

“Remoted” Workday 206 / Day 312 (Friday)

Winter is dragging along. The absence of snow in my yard has me uninterested in skiing. The old “backyard phenomenon” we used to talk about when I was part of the wait staff at a ski lodge many years and a couple lifetimes ago is a real thing. Out of sight, out of mind. No snow in the yard, no thoughts of skiing on the hill with the heavy investment in snow making equipment. It’s even worse now that I live 30+ miles from my favorite local ski area and don’t see the lights along the trails each evening and the fog of the snow making equipment.

Wachusett, Mountain -
the long ago season of the ski pass.
A few winters ago, I was all about the snow and winter and dealing with the weather on my own terms. There was endless snow falling from the sky and piling on the ground to be rearranged. There was snowshoeing. One year, when I worked retail, there was a ski pass and Sunday night skiing and weekday vacation day morning skiing. There was shoveling and snow blobs we called people. It was really fun. 

Now? Not so much. Not that it isn't fun, this year there hasn’t been much snow. But I’ve been watching winter on the TV screen. 

There are many winter-themed moves on Hallmark starring fresh-faced actors with beautiful teeth. So many mountain side chalets and ski resorts to serve as the settings for so many romances, galas, and engagements. One movie even featured royalty from a made-up country name in Europe. The movie ski and snowboard pants and coats are a visual disappointment. The cell phones are unbelievable. Really unbelievable. Movie people remove cell phones from an outermost coat pocket and engage in lengthy calls on the edge of the trail, as snow falls down lightly, and there are no battery or reception issues. When my cell phone is removed from a warm inside coat pocket, if it even turns on, it might take one photo before shutting off due to a suddenly and dramatically drained battery. A long, slope side call in the cold is not possible with my phone. That must be some Hallmark movie magic.

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