Friday, October 30, 2020

“Remoted” – Workday 156 / Day 228 (Friday)

The day started a bit early, defined as 2:00 am. Winston had wriggled out of his diaper wrap and was walking around on the bed while Moose was sleeping. I got Winston outside to have a pee, but Moose didn’t come along. Winston had a big drink of water before we went back upstairs, and back in the bedroom, Moose stood on the bed looking like he needed something to happen. I picked him up and got him downstairs. As he was outside, I noticed my bathrobe was wet where I had picked him up and rested him on my hip to carry him. Once back upstairs, Houdini was re-diapered and we all went back to bed.

Winston, Overlord of the Snowfield.
Sliding into bed in the sliver of space between the bed-hog Canine Overlords, one on each side, my leg felt something either cold or wet. I can’t always tell the difference. An investigation ensued. There was a wet spot through the puff, the quilt, and two sheets. Peeling back the covers further, it was revealed there were actually two separate wet spots.

Based on the evidence of Winston Houdini previously standing diaper-free in the area of the wet spots, and Moose Crankypants standing in the area of the wet spots just minutes later followed by the wetness on my bathrobe, the initial conclusion is that both beasts exercised liberties with their prolific streams. They are damned lucky they are cute, but still may find themselves banished from the bed and relegated to the floor henceforth. 

After the exciting early morning sleep interruption, there was a frustrating 48 minutes-long attempt to get back to sleep, then sleeping a bit later than usual, stronger coffee than normal, and early season steady snow with intermittent loads of laundry. The fluffy snow looked pretty on the leaves which haven't yet fully changed colors and left the trees. The shovels, stored in the shed since spring, were retrieved to facilitate the clearing of the steps and walkways for the convenience of the Canine Overlords. 

Winston the cuddle-bug.
Moose stayed close to the house under the shelter of the roof overhang for his potty visits, while Winston frolicked in the backyard snow to pee and play. Running from place to place, he seemed perkier and happier than he has been in ages. It was delightful to see. He was also more cuddly than usual and even sat on my lap willingly. Maybe the insulin is helping him feel more like himself. 

The evening involved lackluster leftover frozen pizza. There was the tragically wasteful accidental overfilling of the new wine glass after miscalculating the volume in the bottle, followed by the subsequent cleanup operation. In anticipation of the reassembly of the bedding (again), an entire bag of Pepperidge Farms Milano cookies was consumed. Yes, the entire bag. For strength, and followed by regret.

The TV turned on like it’s supposed to, so there was an immediate reboot-free launch directly into Netflix comedy night at the BungaLowell with a Rom-Com (Holidate) and Sarah Cooper Everything’s Fine, with the surround sound effects of two snoring dogs.

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