Sunday, October 4, 2020

“Remoted” – Day 202 (Sunday)

The weekend turned out to be productive. It wasn’t planned, so the logical conclusion is that it was an accidental embodiment of the physics law about bodies in motion. On Saturday, a vegetable quiche was baked. Many, many dishes and the bathroom floor were washed by hand. It will be a grand day when the dishwasher is finally fixed. The correct part took a week to come in, and then it was another week for the service appointment. Hopefully Friday (fingers crossed).

Sunday saw the completion of four loads of laundry including the bed quilts and duvet cover. Lunch became a trip down an interesting winding road. While drinking coffee and reading social media feeds, I saw a reference that it was “National Taco Day.” This instantly had me craving tacos, taco salad, and/or quesadillas. From the couch, the pantry inventory was reviewed – there were flour tortillas and various taco-related ingredients.

Once in the kitchen, stuff was sliced. Things were diced. The fry pan was alive with peppers, onions, vegan pretend meat crumbles, taco seasoning, and salsa. The pantry was checked and more items removed. The vegetable bin was checked and more items removed. Rice was cooked. Diced mushrooms and black beans were added to the crumble mixture in the fry pan. Red peppers were topped and hollowed out. And somehow, the idea for soft tacos turned into stuffed peppers. These kitchen diversions and detours happen all the time. The original idea often morphs into a modification or a completely different dish. 

Not tacos!

After today’s cooking adventure, the fridge now hosts a container of plain rice; a container of crumbles, veggies, and beans; another of crumbles, veggies, beans, and rice; and one complete baked stuffed pepper. There is also half the quiche made on Saturday and leftover frozen pizza from Saturday’s supper.

After the planned lunch of soft tacos that ended up being stuffed peppers, chocolate chip cookies were baked. Despite following the temperature and bake time directions for dark cookie sheets, the first batch with two cookie sheets had overdone blacked bottoms. I hate when that happens. The second batch, with only one cookie sheet, looks anemic on the top, but at least they aren’t scorched on the bottom. So many cookies were consumed during the “cool on wire rack” step that there was no appetite for a proper supper of “real” food. I even forgot about the remainder of the apple fruit crisp from Friday night.

In addition to the cooking and cleaning, a photo collage from the late 1990s was randomly hung on a wall in the spare room. At this rate, in another 10 years, all the photos and artwork should finally be hung.

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