Monday, October 12, 2020

“Remoted – Day 210 (Monday)

The dogs were up overnight – first Moose at 12:30 am, then Winston at 2:30. There might have even been a 4:30 potty trip with Moose, but that could have been the morning before. The only time I really care about the times and tally is when I’m tired during the day and trying to piece together the cause(s). The dogs and I slept until 7:30, which felt great and Moose’s late sleep points to the likelihood there was, indeed, a 4:30 trip outside.

By the time the dogs were fed and the coffee made, the morning was half over. By the time I dressed in “regular clothes,” as in, not pajamas, it was nearly noon, the Supreme Court nomination hearing was on the TV, and I was wondering why they were holding it on a Sunday. That’s when I finally realized it was Monday. Oy. So confusing.

The sort of best doggies.
There was an attempt at artwork rearranging which somehow resulted in less art on the walls and more stacked on the dining room table. I wish this house would talk to me. In the many places I’ve lived as an adult, it’s never been as difficult hanging art and decorating as it has been with this house. Nothing feels right.

The dogs slept on the couch for chunks of the day, one on each side of me, snoring in full stereophonic effect. When they were awake, there were conversations with them, during which, as usual, they failed to uphold their end of the dialogue process. To untrained ears, it would seem that I was talking to myself, and luckily (or not) there are no other ears to overhear the rambling monologues. It also means there are no witnesses to the silly songs with which the dogs are regularly serenaded – delightful ditties about how they are the most handsome, smartest, sort of “best puppies evvvvvver!” Thank goodness. 

While the dogs slumbered, the online search resumed for a mailbox, numerals, and lettering for the gate that says “Welcome” to hopefully direct people to the front door instead up on the deck. The simplest mailbox fix would be new adhesive numerals, but the current mailbox is also textured and embedded with dirt that doesn't clean off, despite attempts with a brush and various cleaners.

Icky Mailbox.
The mailbox search went better than before and there are many nice ones, but only three that I like in my price range. The limited options based on price helps, as it is overwhelming when there are too many options of anything, whether it be cereal, dinner choices, or mailboxes. No matter how beautiful a mailbox is, I can’t see the point to a $150 price tag. Nothing I receive in the mail is worth that much money. 

Of the price range winners, two are metal, one is plastic, and none are the same dimensions as the current mailbox and will require new screw holes in the vinyl siding. The top choice for color (blue!) was ruled out due to height relative to the available mounting space. The next best choice was ruled out after reading several reviews declaring that the metal rusted at the hinges and corners after about a month. That leaves the plastic, low cost option which is great for the wallet, boring, but will look much better than the crappy one currently on the house. It will be nice to have it replaced. Now that there is a selection, I'm anxious to receive it. 

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