Saturday, October 31, 2020

“Remoted” – Day 229 (Saturday)

It was another exhausting overnight. After the multiple pee spots in the bed of the Thursday overnight shift and additional laundry duties of Friday, the dogs were, indeed banished from the queendom of my  bed. They were presented with their own beds for the night for possibly the first time in a decade. During the workday, the dog beds are in the kitchen, then after work, they sometimes move to the living room, but this is possibly the first time the beds were brought upstairs, and the boys were understandably confused. 

Pretty morning.
There was barking when I was settled under the freshly laundered bed linens and the pups were still on the floor. They eventually settled into their own beds, but unfortunately, the peaceful slumber did not last for very long. I was awakened by low level, polite growling from Winston around 1:00-ish. The adventures continued as the boys alternated the wake-up and potty activities at 3:15-ish and 4:30-ish in a brilliant display of coordinated teamwork. When Winston did the waking up, Moose remained in the bedroom until we returned, at which time he decided he wanted to go out, and vice versa. After the 4:30 potty break hijinks, there was finally a beautiful, blissful stretch of uninterrupted sleep until 7:30. They were probably as worn out as I was by the early morning puppy protest.

Winston had a visit scheduled with a veterinary technician for a blood test, so there was the pre-travel adventure of getting into the snow-covered vehicle to access the tools with which to clear the snow from the vehicle. As the snow fell on Friday, there was a sense of denial about the total accumulation, combined with the misguided notion that the Saturday morning sun would warm and melt the snow from the car before departure time. It seemed I had forgotten the lessons of the previous three winters that the early morning sun does not actually shine upon the driveway. By the time the sun rises high enough to clear the much taller house next door, it is closer to noon. 

Resting after a night
of protest and
morning blood test.
There was a thin coating of slick ice in parts of the driveway around the car, so the snow clearing operation involved clownish acrobatic balancing escapades and mild swearing. The dogs and their beds were loaded in the back seat and the ride to Fitchburg under a brilliant blue sky commenced. The trees along the roadways were still decked in colorful leaves topped with a coat of snow that was picturesque. The dogs lay in their beds and missed it all. They were probably recharging their batteries for another protest tonight. 

The results of Winston’s vet visit for blood work showed his sugar in the 400s, which is lower than last week’s 600s, but not quite the desired level in the 100s. The vet will call on Monday to discuss the new level for the daily insulin shot.

Once back home, it was lunch and Netflix. The dogs slumbered on the couch, and I eventually joined them in the napping, because naps are awesome. My battery needed recharging, too, after the night of scrambled sleep.

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