Friday, May 1, 2020

“Remoted” – Workday 37/Day 46 (Friday)

Friday plus payday plus the sun came out, so this day turned out pretty good. There was the learning of a new process for the next phase in the big special project. (Hopefully, I’ll remember all the new stuff, just in case it’s ever needed again.) We had our department meeting via Zoom, and a bunch of us haven’t seen each other for a month or a bit more, so it was really great to see all the work family in the Zoom grid.

Wine o'clock!
Five o’clock meant supper, wine o’clock, time to kick back, and later, way too many cookies. The wine selection is a California Viognier from the recent six bottle assortment delivered from First Leaf. There were three reds and three whites in the delivery, but I seem to have gravitated to the whites for the first two bottles. The first bottle, opened last weekend, was an Australian Sauvignon Blanc-Semillon. It started out tart (but improved later) and made my sinuses stuff up almost instantly, possibly confirming that wine still might not be my friend. The California wine provided less of a nasal reaction, so there is still a shred of hope that the wine experiment may not end in having to break up with the wine club. 

In the “what in the hell” department for this week, every morning featured waking up with the song “Islands in the Stream” in my head. Of all the songs for an ear worm serenade, there have actually been worse. The inspiration for this new daily soundtrack is clearly the recent binge-watching of “Heart of Dixie” on Netflix. There was an episode with a Zombie Proposal scene featuring said song. Look it up and share the musical joy.

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