Tuesday, December 6, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 994 (Tuesday) – memories

The forecast called for light snow, 2008.
Some days are bereft of Facebook memories, while others are loaded with memories going back several years. 

Today’s memories included photos under the lighted snowflakes at the Christmas on the Cumberland. A friend and I had visited the walk thru light display in 2008 on what I remember was a cold Tennessee night.  

Another photo in the memories feed is from before the Christmas parade in 2010. Our fledgling roller derby league had a float in the parade to boost awareness and recruit more skaters in advance of our first competitive season. It was simple that year, with hay bales on a flat trailer covered with red tarps, and we all wore our new team hoodies with our Red River Sirens team logo in silver, white gloves, and red hats. That was also a cold Tennessee day and we joked about shivering burning more calories, especially our teammate clad in the mermaid costume.

Freezing before the
parade, 2010.
Growing up in New England, we were led to believe that all of the land below the Mason Dixon Line was a magical land where people wore white all year because it was always so hot. I learned immediately after moving there in March of 2001 just how wrong that information was. The Middle Tennessee weather was surprisingly like New England. It got really cold, and there was more ice than snow in Tennessee. I chiseled more ice off my car in my years in Tennessee than I ever had in all the prior decades in New England. Surprise!

Other memories of the date were of a Canadian pork pie from a church festival in 2014, the live stream of a ball hockey tournament from Pennsylvania in 2015, the stage before a production at Merrimack Repertory Theatre in 2018, and the Whistler House Party and Art Auction in 2019. 

There were more memories from several other years in the range including multiple posts in 2011 with musings about chopping off my hair (I didn't), complaints about traffic, and a photo of soup for supper, which is probably not a surprise to anyone who knows me.

Life got a lot quieter on December 6 after 2019. According to blog posts, in 2020, I had started decorating for Christmas. My new Nordic pattern socks arrived in the mail in 2021, which I recall as being very exciting. In 2022, it’s just another quiet night at home after work, flipping through streaming shows on Netflix and visiting memories on social media. The day's only mail was a Worcester Business Journal. Dinner was ramen. It was just another day in a life, and that is really okay. 

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