Monday, February 14, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 710 (Monday) – Valentine’s Day

So pretty!
Valentine’s Day (aka "Singles Awareness Day") is generally one of my least favorite days of the year. It can be hard being so conspicuously single, but this year it wasn't so bad. Two years ago, I had taken the day off from work to avoid all signs of hearts and flowers, then ended up spending part of the day at the dentist after breaking a molar while eating popcorn the night before. That was probably the ickiest Valentine's Day in a while

When it falls on a weekend, it's easy to hide at home and avoid it all, but work days can be different. Today, it was just another normal and quiet day in our normally quiet office and it was great.

The whole hearts and flowers business of the day was cushioned by thoughtful gifts received in advance of the day. There was a box of beautiful hand-crafted candies from a thoughtful friend. They are beautifully arranged and too pretty to eat. On Sunday, my sister gave me a home-baked, heart-shaped brownie. 

On Friday, the mailbox held a surprise in the form of a card. The neat and unfamiliar printing was addressed to me and the return address was “Master Winston” at our address. The postmark on the envelope is Boston. Very mysterious. It would seem Winston is clever, possibly has a secret talent of penmanship, and has well-placed human help.

Now the mystery is what Winston really does when I’m out of the house. I always assumed he sleeps like he does when I’m home, but it's possible there are more interesting things going on in his world that make him tired and he has to rest when I’m around. There may be a rich, colorful, and amazing secret life of Master Winston, Canine Overlord.

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