Sunday, February 13, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 709 (Sunday) – snow dust

Snow for 120 minutes.
The sky spit snow all day. For roughly 12 hours, my phone showed “snow for 120 minutes.” Fortunately, it didn’t accumulate on the roads, but the car is crusted in salt from the recent treatments. About an inch of snow was cleaned off the car at 9:00 this morning, but after that it stayed cleared off. 

The backroads drive to dance class was a pretty winter scene with the light coating of snow on the trees along the route, but there was no way to grab a photo. The road isn’t wide enough to pull over in the places where the trees were pretty, and I was running a bit late due to delays in starting the pre-departure checklist. First, Winston wouldn't go out. Then I almost forgot to put his diaper pants on him, which, based on the wetness level of them when I got home, would have been a disastrous oversight. 

After dance, there was a quick stop at Market Basket to pick up ice cream to take to my sister’s. The parking lot was full, but it was still a remarkably quick trip in and out. At my sister’s we had lunch and cake with Dad to celebrate his birthday, and the Maine Blueberry ice cream that was grabbed in a hurry was a hit. It’s hard to believe the guy who said he was 39 for decades now actually admits to the real number. And once again, we forgot to take pictures. Duh. For years, we were notorious for taking a million pictures at every gathering. Now we keep forgetting, and we will probably regret this.

Stuff where it doesn't belong.
Meanwhile, back at The BungaLowell ... the housekeeper needs to be fired. The dining room table is covered in stuff. The kitchen table is covered in stuff. Clearly, not enough wine is being consumed because the wine rack and its contents are coated in a light layer of dust. There are random Christmas decorations in the living room and dining room, and Christmas gifts on top of the living room bookcase waiting to be put away. Worse, the lady of the house/housekeeper doesn’t seem to care. 

Fortunately, the Canine Overlord has no idea about any of this, so there is no judgment. The solution, of course, is to invite company over, because that is the always the most effective trigger for housecleaning.

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