Sunday, January 23, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 688 (Sunday)

Sausage and potato soup.
Sunday cooking began with a soup. The idea recently lodged in the cranium was a sausage and potato soup. It started with taking the casings off two of the sausages and browning the meat. Then onion was added, and diced potato, mushrooms, and a dollop of butter. There was a bottle of rose open, so enough was poured in to help simmer and soften the potatoes. A packet of onion soup and dip mix and a good shake of red pepper flakes were stirred in, then two cups of water and two cups of half-and-half. Kale would have been great, but there wasn't any on hand.

Then I retired to the living room to watch a movie while the soup cooked on low. It’s delicious. A little bit buttery. A smidge spicy. Fully satisfying. It was perfect fuel for finishing the laundry and other glamorous household and the yard duty of picking up dog doody. Folding laundry that is warm from the dryer is one of the cheapest thrills I know. The pile is pulled from the dryer as soon as the buzzer goes off, taken to the couch and dumped into my lap for the folding to commence.

The yard work was hindered by much of the poop being frozen solid to the ground. The well-deserved reward after the attempt was having more soup. By then, half the pot was gone, and soon afterward, there was a rather unfun consequence of a stomach ache. It’s been a long time since overdoing it on milk and cream, and this was a good reminder why. Oops. Lesson learned, at least for now and until the next time. 

Winston spent his Sunday sitting in various slivers of sun as they appeared throughout the house, and burrowed under the couch blanket. With his new insulin dosage, his thirst and trips outside seem to have diminished, which is a relief. 

Grilled PB&J.
At suppertime, there was hunger coupled with a lack of interest in making food. Usually, when this situation arises, a family size bag of chips or an entire package of cookies is called into service, but there is presently none of either on site. Of the non-chip, non-cookie, actual food options available, none seemed appealing. Supper ended up being a grilled peanut butter and orange marmalade sandwich. It hit the spot for being easy, quick, and tasty, just not like chips or cookies.

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