Thursday, January 20, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 685 (Thursday)

There were moments of panic. There were moments of satisfaction. In other words, it was mostly just another normal day.

Lunch soup. 
The morning began with turning on the laptop used for work earlier than usual to check some personal files and emails before logging in for work. The green battery icon showed 86%.  After about two minutes, the screen went black. The power strip was checked and turned on. The battery icon glowed red and showed “plugged in” with a whopping 1% of power. The battery was 86-ed all right. 

After 45 minutes of browsing photos from Tennessee on a recently discovered thumb drive, it was time to log on for work. The battery indicator was still red and showing a mere 4%, and I was feeling about 86% worried.

Logging on for work was beautifully uneventful, everything proceeded normally, and the battery finally charged to 100% after a couple hours. Maybe I’m just used to the cell phone Turbo Charger that charges the phone battery to 100% in next to no time. 

The day was productive. Specs and first drafts for eight ads were written for a project. Notes were reviewed for a meeting. Tomato vegetable soup with shredded cheddar and corn chips was eaten for lunch in a repeat of Wednesday night supper. Winston periodically went out and came back in. Morning coffee and afternoon fruit tea were had. Emails and quick Teams chats with colleagues took place. The usual.

When the workday was done, there was a quick personal email check, and a visit to my never visited by me or anyone else website. It hasn't been updated in a few years, which I realized when I finally checked in on it and read the content. Oy. And the fun part is, I can't remember how to get into the editing module, which is a huge part of the reason it's not been updated. 

Supper soup.
After too much time spent trying to figure out the website thing, it was time for supper preparations. After approximately 30 seconds of half-hearted consideration, the decision was creamy chicken flavor ramen for a double-header soup day. There was no interest or time to spend on actual cooking of real food, so it was the standard fallback option.

It was a basic ramen brick made fancy with cheese from a jar and Korean hot pepper paste mixed in, plus frozen vegetables and shrimp. It’s a household favorite, wondrously quick meal. Tonight, though, too much water was put on to boil, which wasn’t realized until the cheese, hot pepper paste, and powder flavor packet were already mixed in. It’s kind of hard to screw up ramen, but it can, indeed, happen. It was edible, just not as flavorful. That’s sort of the story of life lately – tolerable, just not as flavorful. 

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