Saturday, January 15, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 680 (Saturday)

Mr Handsome under the blanket.
The wind. The cold. Ole Man Winter is definitely in town. I’ve been actively avoiding the dude by staying inside. The closest I got to outside today was opening the door to let Winston out to the front yard, then closing it and running back inside. Then, in a minute or so, going back to let him in.

Winston and I spent most of the day on the couch under a blanket. I was dressed in what I imagine to be “ski lodge clothes,” based on faint memories of weekend ski trips of a million years ago – base layer top and bottoms, leggings, long CuddlDuds top and long cashmere cardigan, and thick socks. Winston was sporting his orange and brown striped sweater, but he was under the blanket so it was impossible to tell.

There was reheated leftover seafood with fries and later, hot cocoa. The day's viewing selection was “Bordertown,” a Finnish language crime drama on Netflix that I’ve already seen, but am watching again to see how much more language I recognize after 557 days of Duolingo lessons. It’s fun to catch more words of dialogue and actual complete phrases.

Perfect day for some
Finnish crime drama.
The newly arrived boots were finally tried on. It seems that Easy Spirit footwear sizing runs smaller than other brands in the closet. Luckily, I went up a half-size on the boots thinking “thick socks.” I can get the new boots on with regular weight socks, so it will be a fingers crossed situation that the thinsulate lining is warm enough outdoors. They were great for indoors, with my legs stretched out onto the ottoman so I could admire them while scanning the English subtitles. If the slippers had fit, those would have been the day's preferred footwear. Stupid too-tight slippers.

And now the hunt for silk socks is once again active. Years ago (think decades) I had a couple pairs and they were the best socks I’ve ever owned. I wore them skiing, along with a set of silk long johns. After years of use, the fabric ran, pulled, shredded, and finally just disintegrated. The sad part is I’ve never been able to find replacements. Had I known they could never be replaced, I would have stocked up way back when. Maybe someday I’ll find more. I’ll look great in the nursing home with my silk socks and long johns. Most people have bucket list goals like travel and adventure, and mine is finding the perfect socks. Something feels wrong here.

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