Tuesday, November 16, 2021

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 610 (Tuesday)

The morning was cold and I didn’t want to get out of bed, but it was a work day and I like to eat, so yeah. I got up. It was the usual drill of getting dressed, makeup, packing lunch, saying goodbye to Winston – all the extra things that need doing that make a work from home day superior to a work at the office day.

On the way to work, there was a numbskull who acted like an idiot and drove into the intersection when the traffic was already piled up and there was clearly no room for his car. When the light changed, he was blocking the intersection I needed to cross and my road rage may have activated with some horn blowing, swearing, and a passionate display of the one finger salute. 

A bit further down the road, a vehicle approached from the other direction, straddling the two lanes. The driver had his hands at 12:00 on the wheel and as we got closer, it looked like he was scratching a lottery ticket. He snapped to awareness of where he was (a city street) and his primary activity (driving) in time to return to his own side of the road. Maybe it’s the approaching full moon. Or something.

Thankfully the rest of the day and the ride home from work were without incident. Once inside the house, however, it was obvious there had been an incident or two in my lengthy absence. A sizeable puddle of pee sat on the kitchen floor. It was a joy mopping it up. No, really, the stuff of dreams.

Had a sweater, but no pants.
That’s when I realized the morning departure activities missed one critical element. I remembered to put a stylish sweater on him, but I forgot to put Winston’s pants on him. Based on the many times I let him out while home and the size of the puddle, it was gone far too long without a diaper for the doggy who needs to pee a lot. Winston was standing at the top of the staircase waiting for me, as cute as ever and I didn't mention the accident. It wasn't his fault anyway. 

It seems the new “thing” is for me to forget something reasonably important each day on the way out. A few days ago it was my phone. Last Friday it was my lunch. This morning, it was Winston’s wrap. The alternating hybrid schedule and regular morning routines aren’t really coordinating right now. Maybe it’s also a casualty of the approaching full moon. Or something.

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