Wednesday, May 25, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 807 (Wednesday) – graduation day

Graduation Day.
After a busy half day of work followed by a half vacation day for me, it was my youngest niece’s big day. In earlier years gone by, many a month of May had a big event in the form of a ballet recital, but this year it was even bigger. Tonight, it was her high school graduation, after four busy years of juggling school, both remote and in person, academics, shop, family life, team sports, and a job. 

When my middle niece graduated in 2020, it was a pandemic-forced limited-attendance ceremony a month or two later than the usual May schedule. Seating was marked out in the field in social-distanced squares. The local community television station streamed the event and I watched from home on my computer. We celebrated with a graduation party on a weekend.

This year’s graduation was in person and on the usual May timetable. A slide show played on a big screen above the stage to entertain the spectators on the field in a sea of folding chairs with bleachers forming a backdrop. The sun hovered just above the stage, and a bank of slightly moody clouds was a blessing for the eyes.

The only shot, and not a good one.
It was great to be able to be there in person with my sister, her husband, my middle niece, and Mom and Step Dad. The eldest niece watched the proceedings from Vegas, via the livestream.

The graduates marched onto the field in a stream of vivid purple like the irises in my front yard, accompanied by a recording of the Graduation March, aka, “Pomp and Circumstance.” The speakers were interesting, the weather was a mix of blinding sun and moody clouds, the temperature was pleasant in the low to mid 70s, and in one hour and fifteen minutes, it was done. The attempt at a photo of her on stage and screen receiving her diploma was not very successful.

After the ceremony, our location (near the concession stand)  was texted to our newly minted graduate with honors from the Cabinetmaking program. Like most of the other families on site, we gathered for hugs and photos and congratulations. In a week we will get serious with a party to honor the graduate and her accomplishments. And maybe get some better photos.

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