Thursday, May 5, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 787 (Thursday) – what the pollen

Wednesday, it was like being hit by a truck. Or maybe one of the infamous Acme branded anvils that Wile E Coyote was always trying to drop on Roadrunner. The sinuses began draining with a vengeance and soon, my nostrils were raw from all the encounters with tissues. As the afternoon wore on, sneezing began and the eyes became watery.

It all felt very familiar. A cold? Allergies? Or maybe it was Coronavirus? It was unnerving. And annoying.

After work, it was ramen soup for supper, made extra hot with Korean hot pepper paste. There was tea. There was a shooter of Nyquil before retiring to bed early.

Pollen. Ugh.
This morning, after a solid night’s sleep, it was an immediate return to runny nose mess of Wednesday night, with the added bonus of stuffy, blocked sinuses. A COVID rapid test was taken for peace of mind and to rule out that possibility. Luckily, the test result was negative. Equally lucky, it was a remote work day. My nose was so runny, it was grossing me out. 

Weather Underground says the tree pollen is high, but grass and weeds are low, so it’s possible the trees are not my friends right now. Again. We’ve had this rough patch before. In Tennessee, it was cedar that nearly did me in, but Weather Underground says right now it is birch, ash, and alder that might be terrorizing me.

Comfort was sought tonight in a mug of blueberry tea with some panettone, a bread-like cake, or maybe it's a cake-like bread. The tea was good, the bread cake is heavy in the stomach, and bed can’t come quickly enough.

Tonight, it will be another night with another shot of the green stuff to induce sleep and turn off the runny and stuffy nose. Thank goodness for modern medicine, and here’s hoping this thing runs its course quickly.

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