Wednesday, May 4, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 786 (Wednesday) – stubborn boredom

Another pizza lunch.
For the fourth consecutive work day I had a slice of leftover pizza for lunch. The refrigerator is mostly empty and the freezer is full of broths and components that are too complicated to deal with in the office kitchenette. 

There is just one piece of pizza left in the freezer, so it must be time for another delivery, although it has become tiresome. I didn’t think I’d see the day when I would be tired of pizza, but it may have arrived.

It’s definitely time for a trip to the grocery store for a “full shop.” There hasn’t been any half-and-half for several days and I’ve been drinking the coffee plain. I had dug my heels in and decided I wasn't going to the store yet, but it seems the time has come. Tonight’s supper was ramen, chosen for its speed and availability. The cooking thing where I prepared a bunch of stuff on the weekend for the coming week was fun for a while, but I’m kind of over it for now.

The King of the castle.
Tonight, Winston again displayed his boredom with the pricey prescription kibble. It’s subtle. He walks over to the bowl, gives a sniff, and walks away. Far away. Into another room away. 

Tonight, he sat on the couch while I ate, and the minutes ticked by with his food in the bowl in the other room. Then he got shaky and shivery, and that freaked me out a little. I added mixed vegetables to the bowl and he finally ate and took his insulin.

Today, it seemed like the dog food bag had been depleting quickly, and for a minute I thought the wrong size bag had been delivered under the auto-ship program. I thought that $74 got the 35-poud bag, and when I read the bag in the closet, it said 17.6 pounds. The past several auto ship orders were confirmed, and 17.6 pound is correct. It’s the price that has crept up to $74. That’s right, $74 for a month’s worth of food he won’t eat. I really miss the days of the Tractor Supply 35-pound bag of food for $35 with multiple flavors I could rotate to prevent Canine Overlord boredom.

I can’t fault Winston for the lack of interest in his food. I can choose to be lazy and eat the same thing day after day, but he doesn’t really have a choice. The level of control he can exercise is limited to willfully ignoring it or tossing it onto the floor, and eventually, I cave and add chicken breast or veggies. While he carefully picks around the kibble to eat the add-ins from the bowl, at least I can then give him the insulin. It’s a daily dance. Or battle of wills. Eventually he empties the bowl.

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