Thursday, May 12, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 794 (Thursday) – flower puzzles

Bunnies posing in the yard.
There were two bunnies in the back yard today, sitting still like statues when I let Winston out to do his business. He sniffed along the side flower bed, unaware of their presence behind him and across the yard. They sat, motionless, for what felt like a long time, probably highly aware of both me and the dog.

As the bunnies sat in the yard, a bird in a tree made a constant, steady noise. Maybe it was a cooing bird, maybe it was a hooting owl. I couldn't really tell, and I couldn't see anything in the trees or on nearby roofs.

Dandy looking dandelion.
Even when I shut the gate and it made a noise, the bunnies did not react. I went into the house and saw them through the office window, and they sat long enough for a photo from the bathroom window. Then, in a blink, they were gone.

The evening walk in the yard (about fifty paces) showed that the invasive flowers are not disappearing and seem to be doing well. The Violets and Lily of the Valley are spreading, and the random Dandelions are holding their own. 

The bunnies are not the only thing that disappeared in a blink like a magican's trick. Despite the best protective interests of plastic pointy forks, the pot with mint, and the cayenne pepper perimeter, nature has won again. 

Clipped Columbine.
The Columbine leaves are still plentiful, but the buds are gone. In their places are neatly clipped off stems. A few of the leaves are broken or chopped off and left on the ground. These must be the most delicious flower buds s in the history of flowers. I might as well just rip it out of the ground because it’s unlikely I will ever see it flower again. One time, for part of a day, I saw a purple flower. then it was gone. Maybe the bunnies ate them.

In other floral puzzles, the mint that was in the flower pot set near the Columbine seems to be gone. 

Inside the house is a Calla Lily that had a couple flowers when was delivered in a pot last summer. After a restful winter in the same pot, it is growing again this year. It’s already twice as tall as before, the stems are all curved and flopping over, and it may need a larger pot and stakes or something. 

Hopefully the Google search will yield more helpful results for Calla Lily that it did for “what eats Columbine buds?” That search yielded a lot of info about leaf-eating flies but nothing about bud eaters.

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