Wednesday, August 18, 2021

“Remoted” – Day 520 (Wednesday)

The annual staycation inertia study resumed today with the kickoff festivity of oversleeping by a solid ninety minutes. In the day's activity column, a shower was taken, weeds were pulled while Winston was outside, and the remote was used to adjust TV volume. A floral arrangement on the dining room table was admired from the living room.

The day lacked the excitement that unfolded in the street yesterday, and the majority of the day was spent sitting on the couch, actively avoiding spending money after the major chunk of money required yesterday for the new water tank was put onto the credit card. Unfortunately, the payment on that same credit card that was due yesterday was forgotten and not paid by yesterday’s due date. I felt a little sick when I remembered it this morning, which was about eight hours too late to be helpful. Reflecting on it, I remembered setting up all the bills for the month in online bill pay and skipping the credit card, waiting until closer to the due date to see how much extra I could pay off this month. That plan bit me in the butt in spectacular fashion. 

Entertainments considered throughout the day and not undertaken due to laziness included starting a jigsaw puzzle, doing a crossword puzzle, and reading a book. Entertainments rejected due to potential spending were shopping for new curtains for the living room, an idea that sprouted a couple days ago and won’t go away. Small-scale household tasks considered and neglected included scraping the exterior boards under the doorways in preparation for painting, cleaning out the three junk drawers, and cleaning out the closet. But who’s keeping track? Oh, right, the never-ending list of house tasks.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow will be celebrated in proper vacation day style.  Or Friday. For sure.

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