Sunday, August 1, 2021

“Remoted” – Day 503 (Sunday)

The Sunday weather was perfectly inspiring. Sunny and lightly breezy and not too humid, not too hot. After a couple cups of coffee and before I realized it, a June Cleaver spiritual possession was underway. These are always random and productive.

Cheesy cauliflower bake.
The ten sheer curtain panels on the porch were taken down and laundered and the windowsills wiped down. This task had been thought about since spring arrived and avoided with excuses like The Golden Girls was playing on Hallmark, it was too hot, it was too rainy, or my jeans were too tight to climb up the step stool. Today, the planets were aligned, the coffee was extra magical, or maybe the breezes of motivation were blowing from the right direction, because my jeans kind of were too tight to climb on the step stool. Whatever the cause, action took over and in just a few minutes, the result was the washer was working its magic on the curtains.

After the curtains were washed and replaced in the windows where the breezes took over to dry them, recipes were researched in an effort to use the cauliflower and broccoli in the fridge. A cheesy, garlicky cauliflower and broccoli bake was made. I wasn't wearing a 1950s day dress and pearls despite all the costume components hanging in the closet, and it wasn't a batch of June's cookies or brownies, but it was still a pretty good showing. 

Best score ever!
Riding the wave of momentum, the seat cover and pillow covers on the porch glider were removed and the bed was stripped and all was washed and dried. The regular laundry of weekday capris and underthings was done. The bathroom mirror and shower doors were cleaned. A new high score was achieved in Woodoku. This day was stuffed with accomplishments. 

There are still many things on the list, but perhaps the worst of the chores will be trying on clothes in preparation for the September return to the office. I don’t even remember what I used to wear, and new dress code guidelines came out last week announcing that jeans will be allowed on Fridays, which is pretty huge news. This could send me into a tailspin like the time I was temping for several months as a treasury manager at a publishing company. It was my first (and so far, only) casual dress jeans allowed on Friday scenario, after six years working in a finance department where it was all suits and dresses and I never even wore pants. Thursday nights came to mean hurried trips to TJ Maxx to shop for office-appropriate jeans with no fashionable rips, tears, frayed hems, or acid-washed finishes. It was hard. This may be my future again. Or, I could just keep wearing dress pants and capris on Fridays. We’ll see.

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