Friday, July 2, 2021

“Remoted” – Day 473 (Friday)

There was an appointment at the chiropractor this afternoon which required a jacket upon leaving the house because it was only in the 50s. A jacket. In July. Because we went from the 90s to the 50s in a blink. Meanwhile, over in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia, it’s a hell fire meltdown. Holy cannoli it's crazy. 

I was glad to find a chiropractor in my health plan near my house, taking new patients, with an appointment open this week, but once there, it was kind of depressing. The morning lower back ache that goes away after a while of moving around? He says that could be arthritis. The shoulder that grinds and now has limited range of movement? That, too, could be arthritis. We had a chat about my pandemic remoted fitness plan which was “to rest.” In my imagination, by minimizing movement, I was allowing for past tweaks and injuries to heal and not provoking them further with activity while being out of spinal alignment. Like so many other home-grown quack theories, this was faulty logic. According to a professional, anyway.

For this first appointment, the Doc said he was doing “chiropractic light” so I wouldn’t feel crippled for the weekend. My hips have been off for ages and my "rest it" pandemic fitness plan did not miraculously fix the imbalance where my right leg is shorter than the left. If it can be fixed, it could take a while. Plus, after declaring that I’m ancient and arthritic, maybe he was afraid he’d snap me like a dry twig. Things do feel a bit better, even with the light treatment and the harsh reality that I'm old and possibly arthritic.

Seriously, what kind of
placement is this?
I'm not the only thing out of alignment. I noticed the dealer sticker on the back of the Jeep is placed oddly. The 495 sticker isn't centered under the 4x4 permanent lettering and it's also too close to it. This crime of balance and spacing is one of those things that cannot be unseen. Not by me anyway. Now I'll be trying to find a way to get it off. Or trading the car in for one without an oddly placed stupid sticker.

Due to a lack of planning and a lack of interest in cooking after becoming fixated on the affixed dealer sticker, supper became a treat of delivery pizza and a cannoli, my new favorite $2.50 dessert. I would just order the cannoli for delivery, but that would probably look desperate and silly, so the pizza is ordered, as a cover. And I love pizza, so there's that. And boom, it’s a party for one. Let the holiday weekend begin.

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