Thursday, February 25, 2021

“Remoted” Day 346 (Thursday)

There are two turtleneck base layer shirts in the wardrobe, one white and one black. For years, they were worn only rarely, mostly for skiing and winter outdoor activities. This winter they have been in heavy rotation as protection under the pricklyness of winter sweaters, both the known scratchy wool and the deceptively soft looking. 

Sweater looks soft,
but needs a base layer.
After being washed, the turtlenecks are usually air dried by hanging them over the shower or the rod in the laundry closet. This has been the drill the entire time living here.

Recently, the white T-neck was washed and hung to dry in the laundry closet, where it was forgotten. For several days, drawers were emptied and the bedroom pile rifled through. The bedroom pile is stuff worn probably once, rendering it too clean for the wash, but not clean enough to go back into the drawer.

A week later, the turtleneck was found when laundry was done again. There was minor rejoicing at the reunion. It was folded and brought upstairs with the week’s clean laundry. And then it was lost again. Drawers were searched, the pile was searched, the dirty laundry basket was searched, and everything was searched again throughout the week. No white turtleneck.

It remained missing for at least another week, but having already found it once, it was even more torturous. Suddenly the lighter colored sweaters were the ones that were the favorites, where the dark T-neck would make the sweater look dingy. Funny how that works. Finally, it was found. In the pajama drawer, layered between a set of gray and white pajamas. Sometimes the clean pajamas go into the drawer, and sometimes they just stay in rotation after the laundry is done, based on whim.

The laundry roulette happens a lot. Shirts, sweaters, leggings, socks. All have been part of the game. Even the dog laundry is not immune, with sweaters and pee pee belts disappearing. There have been multiple occurrences of a sock being found in the bathroom closet folded in a towel, or tucked in the corner nook of a fitted sheet.

This week, it was the black turtleneck that went on hiatus. I swore I’d washed it, but when getting dressed, couldn’t find it in the drawer. Or the pile. Or in the pajama drawer. All the other dark laundry was accounted for. The kicker – during the search, not once did it occur to me to check the laundry closet, even though the ordeal of the white T-neck was not that long ago. Luckily, after a few days, something was needed from the closet and the black turtleneck was found.

This can only mean that it’s time to misplace something else. Too bad it wasn't so easy to misplace ten pandemic pounds.

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