Saturday, February 6, 2021

“Remoted” Day 327 (Saturday)

Snowy woods at Saima.
The outdoors was tackled today, and not just the lingering snow piles from Monday’s storm. The snow earlier in the week made for great ground cover, and several of the Denishawn dancers met up at Saima Park. Some of us were on snowshoes, and others were on cross country skis. There were wooded trails to explore and two fields. A snowy stream flowed through the park near the athletic field, with foot bridges for crossing. 

It was sunny when I left Lowell but Fitchburg was cloudy. The clouds cleared a bit and revealed a blue sky and sunshine. The woods were beautiful – evergreen trees, bright white snow, and shelter from the wind, which had a bit of a bite to it when we were on the flat, open fields.

It was nice to be outside, and even nicer to be out with the group of dancer friends. The combination of fresh air, sunshine, conversation, and exercise made for a great time. It flew by.

Fun in the snow.
Before and after the snow shoe excursion, an attempt was made to breach the big snow pile blocking the backyard gate. Winston the adventurer walked belly deep through the snow in the front yard in an effort to reach the space between the house and the fencepost to escape, unhappy with the small cleared walkway. A shoveled path through the backyard snow has moved up on the priority list so the poor little guy has someplace to romp, frolic, and pee without claustrophobia or the need to flee to larger spaces. 

The day's physical activity involving trudging on top of snow and digging through the snow, after many months of exceptional laziness, has led to muscular soreness. A massage would really help right now, but unless someone is providing Saturday night drive up massage services, I’m out of luck. One of the perils of living alone is the absence of another human who can be conned into providing a backrub. The dogs, while adorable, are completely lacking in massage skills.

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