Wednesday, December 2, 2020

“Remoted” Workday 174 / Day 261 (Wednesday)

Treats for the feet
and the new year.

After work, there was an evening excursion down Routes 495 and 2 to pick up insulin for Winston from the vet office. There was an accident on Route 2 that caused the moderate traffic to suddenly be backed up at a standstill. Luckily, thanks to many rides with Mom over the years, I was able to bail out at an exit before Waze had a chance to give reroute guidance. Mom knows every backroad in the region thanks to her keen sense of direction and dislike of highways. My once sharper sense of direction has deteriorated since the advent of online navigation and the extinction of paper maps which I used to enjoy poring over just to see where things are and which roads go where.

Walking out of the vet office in the darkness, I imagined being tackled in the parking lot and robbed of the insulin syringes. Clearly, I watch too many gritty crime stories, and may need to find something a little more lighthearted to watch. After leaving the vet, it was a stop at Ocean State Job Lot for the 2021 version of the daily journal book they carry that I’ve been buying for several years. It has a nice cover and a magnetic clasp, and is a great replacement for the wire bound version once sold by Wal Mart that was my favorite journal until they stopped carrying it. The six-dollar journal landed in the cart with a two-pack of socks claiming to be “super soft,” because these are the extravagances with which I shower myself. Ocean State is a crazy kingdom of socks, with multiple displays of so many socks.

Canal, mill building
and fuzzy light tree.
There was also an assortment of stuff from the grocery section including canned tuna, kalamata olives, capers, tomato chili pesto, cookies, more cookies, and chips. Shopping while hungry is never a good idea, and instead of healthy quick to fix supper upon arriving home, it was an even quicker dive into the honey barbecue chips and cranberry cookies. 

The ride home included the deliberately chosen route past City Hall plaza which is all lit and looks great. There were no open convenient parking spots so I didn’t park for a photo. Around the corner is the mill building with the giant Christmas tree of lights, which had a mile of open parking. The lighted tree turned out to be really hard to photograph with the phone camera. The canal water looks nice, but the tree is blurry, and that was when the shutter would actually even work and the photo would take. Maybe next time.

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