Sunday, December 6, 2020

“Remoted” Day 265 (Sunday)

Black tinsel tree.
Stuff got done. The black tinsel tree was set up. At first, I thought of putting it in the dining room, but then decided on the living room, where it has been the past couple years. Lights were on it from before, some feathers from the crafts drawer were added, and some ornaments that were in the drawer of the TV stand because they were forgotten last year when taking down decorations. 

There was a trip needed out of the house which required cleaning the snow off the car and some of the ice from the driveway. This is the most physical activity done in months, so it is counting as a workout. The wreath festival and silent auction was this past week and I needed to pick up the wreath I won. The wreath pickup was piggybacked with getting the photo print order placed yesterday and a stop at Family Dollar for dog biscuits and a wreath hanger for the door. It was a nice circular route and completed in an hour, even with light browsing of handcrafted ornaments at the Gallery during the wreath pickup. The only wrinkle to the plan was the inability to find a wreath hanger at Family Dollar. Now, instead of hanging on the back door, the wreath is on the dining room table where it was born, because the wreath I won is one of the two I made for the event.

While at Family Dollar, I saw a four-foot silver tinsel tree pre-strung with lights, and of course, I had to have it. I had one in Tennessee, but gave it to a friend while minimizing stuff before moving. I promised myself I would get another one someday, and today was the day. I also grabbed a package of Christmas cookies. The cookies come in a box that reminds me on an old-time ornament box, cost $2, and are really tasty. I ate half the box and only stopped when I got a stomach ache, which finally tore me away from the cookies and got me into the basement to fetch some ornaments for the new silver tree.

New silver tree.
The black tree was moved to the dining room, where it almost went earlier. The silver tree went onto the round table in the corner of the living room where the black tree was. The dogs were confused by all the activity. Every time I went down to the basement to rummage through the too-many plastic storage tubs to fetch things, Moose would stand at the top of the stairs wearing his worried face and waiting for me.

One ornament was broken while reaching over Winston to avoid disturbing him. The noise of the glass smashing on the floor startled him awake, invalidating the do not disturb the pup plan. The time spent decorating meant I wasn’t cooking for the week, but the idea of pizza from Saturday was lingering and a delivery happened. Now there are six more pizza meals wrapped in foil. I love having food I don’t have to think about.

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