Sunday, December 20, 2020

“Remoted” Day 279 (Sunday)

Not a lot happened today. At least, nothing that doesn’t also happen in many households all over the world. A small amount of laundry was done. A reasonable-bordering-on-excessive amount of food was eaten. More Christmas movies were watched featuring more actors who remind me of friends. The dogs were exceptionally needy with the battle of inside/outside all day, except during the blessed and peaceful stretches when they slept and snored softly.

New wreath on front door.
The failure to find a wreath hanger during visits to several stores meant alternate action was needed. There are no wire clothes hangers to mangle into a door hanger, so the new wreath intended for the back door was hung on the front door and the wreath that was on the front door was bagged and stored in the basement. Maybe next year. At least there is no longer a wreath taking up space on the dining room table. There is still no tape. After the eye doctor, I even made a special trip to the store and remembered to search for the tape. Craft glue and duct tape were found, but no basic tape tape. The manager said they had been sold out for a couple weeks. Looks like it will be Plan B and raiding the extensive stockpile of Christmas bags instead of the excessive wrapping paper reserve I’ve been tapping for the past several years. 

In the tiny annoying life details arena, based on advice from Mom, I bought Pond’s Face Cream for my super dry face. Her stepmother, who had amazing skin, always used it. I love how it makes my skin feel, but it has a gross fragrance. I also got Gold Bond Ultimate Overnight Deep Moisturizing Lotion to help my legs and hands, which has a different gross fragrance. Why does every skin care product have a scent? Sure makes it tough for anyone who wears cologne. The new lotions are helping my skin but also grossing me out. 

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