Tuesday, December 1, 2020

“Remoted” Workday 173 / Day 260 (Tuesday)

The photo of great-grandma
Minnie is found!

For the last month, the mornings started with a self-imposed urgency to pump out words before work began, and this morning, without that push, the start to the day felt a little weird. It was more relaxed and less energetic with the extra free time. There was light rewriting and reorganizing in the Herculean task of editing the messy document full of words. The magical missing moving box with some of the few old family photos in my custody was finally unearthed this morning. A brief celebration comprised of a fist pump to the air was enjoyed. There might have also been a little spin. There are still several other photos that are missing in action, but the one I had been laser-focused and looking for was great-grandma Minnie’s photo from when she became an American citizen in 1943 at the age of 72. Now she can take the place reserved for her on the wall. 

Work was mostly non-descript, pain-free, and largely okay until it began skidding sideways. Tasks that were believed to be wrapped up nicely with a bow and had been crossed off the list were resurrected like some suddenly undead movie monster. For the past four, maybe five months, it has not been safe to think a completed task is “done.” More times than not, there have been late-game changes, with “late” being after multiple reviews and final approval, and sometimes even after materials have been printed or messages delivered. It is so frustrating, there are times I just want to punch the wall, but my typing already stinks and broken hands will just make everything a hundred times harder. 

Ready for the mail!
After work, it was time to kick back and relax. There was minimal family research done, just for fun, because that is how I roll. The Christmas Cards ordered Saturday arrived today and were stuffed into the envelopes that were addressed on Sunday. If all goes according to plan, tomorrow morning a ride will be taken with the pups and the cards will be deposited into the drive-up mailbox at the Post Office, making it the earliest completion of holiday cards in my entire adult life. Usually it’s the 9th or 10th of December before I start panicking and scrambling to come up with some sort of an idea for a photo and then rush to make it happen.  

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