Monday, November 23, 2020

“Remoted” Workday 169 / Day 252 (Monday)

It was raining like crazy this morning when Moose demanded to go out at 4:00 or whatever ungodly hour it was. He saw and heard the deluge, refused to go out the front door, and turned to head through the house to go out the back door where he can hug the house and pee on the foundation under the shelter of the small overhang. 

Winston’s recent antics and avoidance for the insulin shots have a workaround. Once, over the weekend, he squealed like he was being axe-murdered when I inserted the needle and it freaked me out at least as much as it seemed to freak him out. Now, I sneak up on him while he is distracted by eating his breakfast or supper. Luckily, he isn’t one of those dogs that get snarly if approached while eating.

The separate beds at night is still amazing. We go upstairs, the pups get their Good Boy nitey-nite cookies, started years ago when Moose would wake up during the night with an upset stomach, and then they go right to their own beds. Amazing! Back when they were sleeping on my bed, there would be posturing and growling, but with their own beds, separated by the sea of tranquility that is now my bed, they curl up, go to sleep, and beautiful rest is enjoyed by all. 

A bowl of speedy delicious.
Work chugged along today in a steady and productive manner where meetings were attended, things were crossed off the list, and then the day was done. Dinner was an inspired and delicious sauté mix of sliced mushrooms, onion, peppers, cabbage, and frozen riced cauliflower. Roasted eggplant and brussels sprouts were tossed in, and the whole mess was stirred with a blend of soy sauce, sesame oil, fresh ground ginger, and a splash of Sriracha. Half was supposed to be saved for lunch on Tuesday, but it tasted like more, and then it was gone. That is my kind of fast food, made possible by the beauty of having fresh and frozen veggies in the house. From the initial idea to the dishes cleaned up took about 45 minutes and then it was time to kick back on the couch with the snoring pups and Prime Video (Being Erica – time traveling psychotherapy? ok, I’m in). 

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