Friday, November 13, 2020

“Remoted” Day 242 (Friday)

Friday the 13th of the crazy year 2020 wasn’t really so bad, in the sense that nothing blew up. It was one of the vacation days that seem to have become my trademark day off with a double feature of trips to the vet and the dentist for twice the fun. I needed a filling and Moose finally had his checkup and shots for Lepto, Lyme, and Distemper. Winston took Moose's original appointment, which was the day he was diagnosed with diabetes.

The vet and the dentist offices are on the same street, so Moose was dropped off for his appointment, Mom and I went to pick out her new eyeglasses, then I went to the dentist and back to fetch Moose.

There were small challenges, like getting Moose out of the house and into the car while Winston stayed home. It is very rare these days that one goes somewhere without the other. The time snuck up on me and went from “it’s too early to leave” to “crap, now I’m late” in a blink. In the rush, I didn’t diaper Winston before I left. His barks of abandonment followed us to the car after the door was shut with him inside and Moose and me outside. 

I'll just lay here and shiver.
Historically, I have not minded the dentist, but during the last year or so, it is just annoying. It took extra Novacaine, because the water and the suction for the drill were making a different tooth super sensitive. The dentist told me not to eat until the numbness wore off, which was bad news because by then it was 1:00 and I was running on a puny morning granola bar before dashing out of the house at 9:30.

Moose stayed at the vet until I was done at the dentist. He still has a heart murmur and loud sinuses. The vet told me she gave his shots in a shoulder and opposite hip. The last time he had shots, he ended up at the super pricey emergency vet a few days later with his shot leg swollen from hip to knee. There was never a clear cause determined, but the best guess was an insect bite or a some sort of slow allergic reaction. We’re armed with Benadryl for him. He’s been shivering and trembling since 3:00, despite wearing a sweater and a blanket. I called the vet’s office, but they didn’t seem to think the shivering was anything.  

Despite the warning from the dentist, I ate leftover pizza when I got home and chewed up the inside of my mouth, which is exactly what the warning was about. The numbness finally wore off around 5:00, and now the pain of the chewed-up mouth has set in.

At least Winston is mostly ok. He’s been getting fussy and trying to pull away when it’s time for his insulin shots. He pooped on the kitchen rug when he was the only one home, proving he is not the saint I had anointed him to be, but that was probably a lot to pin on a little dog anyway.

Just. Another. Glorious. Day.

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