Sunday, March 29, 2020

“Remoted” – Sunday Two

Moose on the left, snoring.

Day 13, Sunday Two of the Home Alone Escapade. Why can’t the weekday work hours fly by as quickly as weekends do? Up at 7:00 am, drinking coffee on the couch and a rom-com on HBO that might have been the one with George Clooney and Catherine Zeta-Jones, but it’s possible that was last night’s movie. The rom-coms all seem to be a blur of the same plot, watched from the same couch, same TV, with my same dogs that are either barking or snoring. It’s sometimes hard to separate the movies and the chunks of time. The dogs seem to have the right idea with the day-long series of naps.

After a nice, hot shower it was time to dress for the day. Moose regularly makes dressing a comical/stressful endeavor. The skit goes like this – Moose licks my bare feet and when I put on pants he barks. As I put on socks he barks more and mouths the edge of the quilt, and when the shoes go on he barks more and jumps around. Every. Day.

Winston to the right, sleeping.
Highlights of Sunday Two included more effort to “control my environment” with the continuation of the paper shredding project started Saturday. I miss having the space for a desk with file drawers to keep things logical and organized, but it will take some shopping and clever rearranging to accommodate such a luxury. For now, it’s purple plastic file totes stuffed in a room, but I'm getting some ideas.

Yesterday’s leftover veggies and egg noodles were embellished with even more veggies for a brief lunch and break from the file review and removal operation. After lunch, it was multitasking with shredding, binge-watching the new season of Ozark on Netflix, and baking. The gray and drizzly day felt perfect for fresh cookies, so the mixing bowl came out, the petrified brown sugar was softened in the microwave, and just over four dozen oatmeal-raisin-chocolate-chip-walnut cookies were baked. Usually, when I bake cookies, I like to play beat the recipe yield by making the cookies smaller and getting lots more. Today, it was a conscious decision to keep things moving so I stuck with the “rounded tablespoons” measure for the recipe yield. Paper shredding took place in 11-minute intervals while the cookies baked.

While the oven was already hot from the cookies, it seemed logical to follow up with a supper casserole of stuffing, cranberries, turkey, and apple slices. This was slightly less successful than the cookies. Not bad, but it would benefit from some gravy.

The evening featured continuing to watch Ozark while shredding until the shredding hit the point of being enough. That's not saying it was done, but that I'd had enough. Then it was time for playing Scrabble on Facebook with a dog asleep on either side. 

As always, the day was punctuated by frequent pauses to let a dog outside. It was a mostly normal Sunday,  and just like every other Sunday night, it came too quickly.

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