Wednesday, January 1, 2025

random thoughts – Day 1,751 – (Wednesday) – new day, new year

The alarm went off at 6:15, just like on a normal Wednesday workday morning because I neglected to turn it off for the holiday. As the cell phone alarm emitted its musical tone, officially named “Default alarm sound: Oxygen,” Kiki was downstairs emitting her morning melodies. I wish I understood cat speak.

When I finally hauled myself out of my nice, warm bed it was 7:15. When I descended the stairs, she ran as if I were a monster. While I made the coffee, she sat in the doorway between the dining room and kitchen meowing. I would love to know what she is trying to tell me.

It was a day deliciously free of plans. Attending one of the First Day Hikes run by the state Department of Conservation and Recreation was considered, but I had seen a weather forecast of rain. The closest hike to home was in Andover, and even though it's not far away, it felt further than I cared to venture. Those two factors, plus general fatigue and blah-ness caused a purge of the idea. The morning was spent at home in pajamas, bathrobe, and slippers and not on a trail in a jacket and hiking boots.

New year, new journal.
The brand new blue 2025 journal, bought several months ago, was finally liberated from its wrapping and opened. New day, new year, new daily journal. Now the orange 2024 journal can be retired to the pile with its buddies in green, blue, red, and orange from many preceding years. Someday I will figure out what to do with decades of diaries and journals. It's not like I ever sit around and read any of the many the volumes containing the daily brain dumps. 

During the course of the mostly relaxing day, the floors and rugs were vacuumed. The activity had Kiki hiding behind her chair until I reached the living room and then she bolted across that room, through the dining room, and up the stairs to safety. Other chores were considered and dismissed in favor of watching Netflix. The day's shows were Adoration, an Italian drama series, and the movies A Little White Lie and Love Actually. Busy day. If I could figure out how to monetize my viewing time, I might be rich and able to retire someday after all.

Supper for a new night.
Supper was an assortment of Aldi bread cheese (sliced and sautéed per the package suggestions) with onion, pepperoni, saltines, and dried apricots. The approaching fresh date on the cheese was the main inspiration, coupled with the minimal preparation time and effort needed. the sides were what was on hand. Easy and minimal effort was the overall feel of the day. 

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